The GeoTools team is pleased to share the availability GeoTools 23.1:
This release is published to the osgeo maven repository, and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.17.1. This is a stable release and is a recommended upgrade for all users of the GeoTools library.
Improvements and Fixes
Public service announcement:
- The spatialite data store has been removed, it had not been released for sometime.
- New! Classification functions can now be used to compute a percentage of elements per class
- Fix for GeoPackage spatial index creation, was failing when feature type name was an SQL resurveyed word.
- GeoJSON can now read from any URL and no longer checks for a json extension.
- Several fixes to improve transparency fill was previously restricted to byte data, and one line transparent stripes
- Geometry clipper now accounts for cases where a multi-polygon is produced
- Shapefile fixed to read polygon z shape files into PackedCoordinateSequence
- MongoDB DataStore fixed handling of $not operator
Research and Development Updates
Our "unsupported" module area remains a hot-bed of research and development. We invite developers to contribute to the following work-in-progress:
- The MBTiles DataStore now supports geometry generalization
If you are interested in contributing to these modules, or starting your own research and development activity, please see our developers guide for details.
About GeoTools 23 Series
GeoTools 23:
- Upgrade to new OSGeo Maven Repository
- MBStyle extension
- CSV DataStore plugin