Tuesday, March 19, 2024

GeoTools 31.0 released

GeoTools 31.0 released

The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of the latest stable version of GeoTools 31.0:

This release is also available from the OSGeo Maven Repository and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.25.0 and GeoWebCache 1.25.0. 

We are grateful to Peter Smythe (AfriGIS) for carrying out the release.  Thank you also to Mark Prins for testing the release artefacts when the call went out.

Summary of changes

See Release Notes from 31.0

Release notes

New Feature

GEOT-7419 New function: lin (in function for list)

GEOT-7488 GDAL, GeoTIFF and ImageMosaic ignore nodata when it's NaN


GEOT-7458 JDBCDataStore: Unique visitor not always compatible with sortBy

GEOT-7472 After the org.opengis package removal, gt-api jar is not included in bin download

GEOT-7475 Conversion of GeneralBounds to ReferencedEnvelope fails for envelopes wrapping the dateline

GEOT-7476 ColorMapBuilder should enable extended mode when necessary

GEOT-7477 DuplicatingStyleVisitory does not copy RasterSymbolizer vendor options

GEOT-7478 Add support for GDAL RasterAttributeTable in GeoTIFF, Image Mosaic, GDAL readers

GEOT-7485 ReferencedEnvelope.setFrameFromCenter(Point2D center, Point2D corner) returns wrong coordinates - zoomin/zoomout

GEOT-7486 CSS literal single space squashed to empty string

GEOT-7503 GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoder doesn't support inf/-inf

GEOT-7504 MapContent.moveLayer() doesn't change the Layer's order in the MapLayerTable.

GEOT-7510 GridCoverage Rendering's equality check on CRSs is not recognizing equal ProjectedCRS.

GEOT-7522 NetCDFMosaicReaderTest failure

GEOT-7535 Per layer interpolation setting not honored with rendering transformation and oversampling

GEOT-7534 accept geojson with geometry=null

GEOT-7542 Vector mosaic is not reading type and filter columns from the index, if query property selection is on


GEOT-7411 App-schema performance improvement in setting attribute values

GEOT-7428 Support of jsonPointer function for Oracle

GEOT-7452 Remove deprecated constructors from WFSContentComplexFeatureCollection

GEOT-7453 Remove deprecated SimpleHTTPResponse

GEOT-7467 ESRI Shapefile read DBF-only data

GEOT-7471 WMTS Reader debug flag for 404 tiles

GEOT-7491 ShapeFileDataStore should use GeometryFactory of DataStore

GEOT-7501 There is no way to serialise a ReferencedEnvelope that can be parsed back to a ReferencedEnvelope

GEOT-7502 FlatGeobuf DataStore missing startIndex optimization

GEOT-7508 Optimize execution of NearestVisitor in Vector Mosaic store

GEOT-7538 Use gt-http logging for request/response

GEOT-7509 Introduce query as context to ContentFeatureSource capabilities


GEOT-7451 Upgrade org.json:json to 20230618

GEOT-7498 Upgrade DB2 JDBC driver from to

GEOT-7483 Update jai-ext to 1.1.25

GEOT-7529 Update Apache Commons-lang3 to version 3.14 for Java 17 and Java 21 support


GEOT-7460 Fix javadoc in WFS-NG unsupported module

GEOT-7462 Fix javadoc in process module

GEOT-7463 Fix javadoc in teradata unsupported module

GEOT-7464 Fix javadoc in sample data module