Monday, January 27, 2025

GeoTools 32.2 Released

GeoTools 32.2 released

The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of the latest stable version of GeoTools 32.2:

This release is also available from the OSGeo Maven Repositoryand is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.26.2 and GeoWebCache 1.26.2.

We are grateful to Jody Garnett (GeoCat) for making this release, and everyone who contributed.

Release notes - GeoTools - 32.2


GEOT-7545 Wrong log level comparison in LogbackLogger#isLoggable

GEOT-7673 TransformFeatureCollection doesn't account for query properties

GEOT-7680 User UUID is not set

GEOT-7687 jsonPointer function converts numeric keys to numbers when used as key accessors

GEOT-7689 Logic filter equality checks incorrectly implemented

GEOT-7690 RasterAsPointCollection used as a rendering transformation does not play well with tiling

GEOT-7691 Contour rendering transformation with tiling and high oversampling might result in in broken contours

GEOT-7692 Allow raster to vector rendering transformations to oversample reads on demand

GEOT-7693 CenterLine process can leave gaps in the skeletonisation

GEOT-7698 GeoTIFF and image mosaic do not handle COGs with masks properly

GEOT-7702 Style doesn't match filter if there are more than one "or-combined" date filter on the same PropertyName (SLD)

GEOT-7706 Style doesn't match filter if there are more than one "or-combined" date filter on the same PropertyName (SLD)

GEOT-7708 Intersection test against curves can fail to return correct results, with PostGIS, due to accuracy issues

GEOT-7711 Incompatible sl4j and logback libraries result in class not found LoggingEventAware


GEOT-7234 Implement `#getOptimizedBounds(...)` in SQLServerDialect

GEOT-7703 Allow usage of fullPath in most common mosaic property collectors


GEOT-7677 Upgrade log4j to 2.24.1 and slf4j to 2.0.16

GEOT-7686 Update to Imageio-EXT 1.4.14

GEOT-7694 Update MySQL driver to 9.1.0

GEOT-7696 Apply Palantir Java format on GeoTools

GEOT-7701 Apply Palantir format on arcgis-rest module

GEOT-7704 Replace commons-httpclient with httpcomponents:httpclient

GEOT-7710 Update Logback from 1.3.12 to 1.5.14