Annual Report 2012
- The project has switched from subversion to git and is now hosted at GitHub
- GeoTools 8.0 was released
- First major release after a 1.5 year drought
- Amazing release with Java 6, join support, temporal filters, detailed function descriptions
- A total of 10 GeoTools releases made over the course of the year
- The project has switched to a predictable time-boxed release model featuring: six month release cycle and stable release issued each month.
- Extensive build infrastructure improvements with automated release scripts to help us meet this aggressive goal
- Extensive FeatureCollection cleanup and Quality Assurance run slated to land for the next major release
- Attract participation from downstream projects
- Coordinate with downstream projects around release testing
- Contribution License questions have provided some confusion this year
- Volunteers needed to review pull-requests
- The transition to GitHub has certainty paid off, join the team and help us keep up!
- Enjoying active success, and your participation