Tuesday, December 22, 2020

GeoTools 23.4 released

 The GeoTools team is pleased to share the availability of   GeoTools 23.4 :

This release is published to the osgeo maven repository, and is made in conjunction with  GeoServer 2.17.4. This is a maintenance release and is a recommended upgrade for all users of the GeoTools library. It is expected to be the last release on the 23.x branch and users should consider moving to the stable 24.x branch.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this release, including Ian Turton of Astun Technology for making the release.


From our issue tracker  release-notes :
  • [GEOT-6729] - Shapefile reader fails on points having Z and no optional M
  • [GEOT-6740] - Shapefile reader fails on lines and polygons having Z and no optional M
  • [GEOT-6751] - MBTilesFeatureSource should offer support for Hints.GEOMETRY_DISTANCE as well

About GeoTools 23 Series

GeoTools 23:For more information see the release notes ( 23.323.2 | 23.1 | 23.0 |  23-RC )