Wednesday, January 20, 2021

GeoTools 24.2 released

   The GeoTools team is pleased to share the availability of GeoTools 24.2 :

This release is published to the osgeo maven repository, and is made in conjunction with  GeoServer 2.18.2. This is a stable release and is a recommended upgrade for all users of the GeoTools library.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this release. The large number of fixes this release are in part to participation in a bug fix sprint organized by GeoSolutions.

Improvements and Fixes

From our issue tracker release-notes :
  • Support for ImageIO-ext based COG readers landed in this release, both for stand-alone GeoTiff and image mosaics (make sure to have the necessary dependencies in the classpath)
  • Ability to limit oversampling while reprojecting rasters, when accurate resolution computation is enabled (on by default)
  • MySQL 8 spatial functions are now supported
  • A bunch of dependencies have been upgraded, including the MySQL JDBC driver, sqlite JDBC (used by GeoPackage), Batik, Apache HTTP components, Guava
  • Other assorted but fixes to shapefile readers, PostGIS datastore, WMTS cascading, the CSS module, and more, check the release-notes for full details.

About GeoTools 24 Series

For more information see the release notes (24.224.1 | 24.0 | 24-RC ).