

Sunday, June 18, 2023

GeoTools 28.4 Released

The GeoTools team is pleased to share the availability GeoTools 28.4:
This release is also available from the OSGeo Maven Repository and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.22.4.

Release notes - GeoTools - 28.4


GEOT-7266 WMTSCapabilities throws NPE for missing title

GEOT-7345 WFS Capabilities from local file

GEOT-7365 Problems with requesting Features from a WFS Version 2.0.0 and using a HTTP proxy

GEOT-7367 Missing null-check in GeoPackage spatial index creation


GEOT-7360 DWITHIN support for mongo DB

GEOT-7362 Multithreaded HTTP client: authentication not sent if connection pooling activated


GEOT-7364 Bump sqlite-jdbc from 3.34.0 to

GEOT-7373 Bump hsqldb from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2

GEOT-7374 Upgrade Jackson to 2.15.2

GEOT-7375 Upgrade guava from 30.1.1 to 32.0.0

GEOT-7376 Upgrade postgresql from 42.4.3 to 42.6.0

GEOT-7378 Upgrade commons-lang3 from 3.8.1 to 3.12.0


GEOT-7332 Relicensing to LPGPL 2.1-or-later