

Thursday, September 26, 2024

GeoTools 32.0 released

GeoTools 32.0 released

The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of the latest stable version of GeoTools 32.0:

This release is also available from the OSGeo Maven Repository and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.26.0 and GeoWebCache 1.26.0.

We are grateful to Peter Smythe (AfriGIS) for carrying out the release.

Security Considerations

This release of GeoTools addresses several security considerations:
  • CVE-2024-46991 (High 7.8)

Release notes

See Release Notes from 32.0


GEOT-7127 Error in read empty DBF

GEOT-7528 GeoPackage: Timestamp is not written correctly

GEOT-7537 GeoPackage TIMESTAMP must be DATETIME according to the GeoPackage spec

GEOT-7539 The latest tutorials link is broken in

GEOT-7540 startIndex parameter is not passed in WFS store request

GEOT-7569 throw error while adding feature to FlatGeobuf featureStore

GEOT-7579 FlatGeobuf handle java.util.Date and iso correctness

GEOT-7589 Fix the JsonArrayDelegation for Postgres to support searching in root level array

GEOT-7590 Patterns containing "&" are broken when using LikeFilter

GEOT-7596 Reduce change of white line artifacts when performing high subsampling on read

GEOT-7611 WMS Client throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing attribution logoUrl element in invalid capabilities XML

GEOT-7626 ReferencedEnvelope CRS compatibility check is not recognizing equivalent ProjectedCRS. (identity transformation between source and target CRS)

GEOT-7642 some modules rely on transitive version of units-api


GEOT-7422 Update java units "indriya" to version 2.2

GEOT-7546 Add AUTO code (97004) for Geostationary satellite projection

GEOT-7548 Renovate arcgisrest with dependency updates and code formatting

GEOT-7550 Try harder to reproject envelopes with projections having a complex valid area

GEOT-7557 Provide the ability for downstream applications (e.g. GeoServer) to append additional querystring parameters e.g. AuthKey to every request made by the HTTPClient

GEOT-7558 GeoPackage extension output contains field types that are not supported by GDAL

GEOT-7561 Proposal: Individual contributor clarification

GEOT-7565 Upgrade ImageIO-Ext to 1.4.10

GEOT-7571 Support updates for PostgreSQL json/jsonb columns

GEOT-7576 Make SchemaCache use the HttpClient from the GeoTools hints

GEOT-7586 GeoPackage output contains invalid field types when publishing content from other JDBCDataStore

GEOT-7614 support for postgres reWriteBatchedInserts

GEOT-7617 Add a max and a min merge mode for image mosaics

GEOT-7633 Move ZoomContext/ZoomContextFinder class set from YSLD to main

GEOT-7640 Improve the polygon label function for rectangular geometries, and automatically compute a sane tolerance

GEOT-7643 Add support for vector tile specific vendor options in SLD/CSS

GEOT-7647 Allow programmatic registration and de-registration of data stores factories

New Feature

GEOT-7544 MemoryMappedRandomAccessFile for NetCDF Reading

GEOT-7585 Adding css-uniqueRoleName

GEOT-7606 Support fast extent estimation in HANA provider

GEOT-7618 Create an unsupported graticules module


GEOT-7547 Upgrade to NetCDF 5.5.3

GEOT-7566 Upgrade commons-io from 2.12.0 to 2.16.1

GEOT-7567 Upgrade guava from 32.0.0 to 33.2.0

GEOT-7573 Upgrade PostgreSQL driver from 42.7.2 to 42.7.3

GEOT-7574 Upgrade commons-text from 1.10.0 to 1.12.0

GEOT-7577 Upgrade jackson from 2.15.2 to 2.17.1

GEOT-7578 Upgrade snakeyaml from 2.0 to 2.2

GEOT-7588 Maven javadoc build fix for Java 11.0.22 and newer aggregate build

GEOT-7599 Update MySQL CI matrix (drop 5.7, add 8.4)

GEOT-7610 Bump EasyMock to 5.3.0

GEOT-7615 Update Jackson 2 libs from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2

GEOT-7622 Upgrade guava from 33.2.0 to 33.2.1

GEOT-7623 Upgrade commons-lang3 from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0

GEOT-7624 Upgrade junit from 4.13.1 to 4.13.2

GEOT-7639 Upgrade to JTS 1.20.0

GEOT-7648 Update to ImageIO-Ext 1.14.13

GEOT-7650 Update to JAI-EXT 1.1.27