

Monday, August 26, 2024

GeoTools 30.5 released

   The GeoTools team is pleased to the release of the latest stable version of GeoTools 30.5:

This release is also available from the OSGeo Maven Repository and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.24.5. The release was made by Andrea Aime (Geosolutions).

Release notes

See Release Notes from 30.530.430.330.230.130.0 and 30-RC


  • GEOT-7127 Error in read empty DBF
  • GEOT-7528 GeoPackage: Timestamp is not written correctly
  • GEOT-7539 The latest tutorials link is broken in
  • GEOT-7589 Fix the JsonArrayDelegation for Postgres to support searching in root level array
  • GEOT-7590 Patterns containing "&" are broken when using LikeFilter
  • GEOT-7607 Error using function Interpolate in COLOR mode from SLD
  • GEOT-7627 Improper raster output and/or rendering transfromations output when reading at high oversampling factors with bilinear/bicubic interpolation
  • GEOT-7628 Regression in JDBC optimization of unique visitor with sorting


  • GEOT-7550 Try harder to reproject envelopes with projections having a complex valid area


  • GEOT-7615 Update Jackson 2 libs from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2