The Geotools community is pleased to announce the availability of Geotools 8.0-RC2 for download on sourceforge.
For more information on setting up your project with Maven, see the Quickstart (included in the userguide documentation pack above).
The release includes plenty of bug fixes and improvements. Highlights include:
- support for Postgis 2.0.
- Add option to forgo encoding srsDimension on gml geometries and envelopes.
- Rendering Transformation process to allow on-the-fly heatmap visualization.
- Support encoding of GML srsName in urn:ogc format.
This will also be the last release made from SVN because Geotools is moving to Github. A big thank you to OSGeo System Admin Committee for hosting the SVN repository
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the developers, users and contributor that have helped to make this release possible.
The GeoTools Community