- geotools-2.7-beta1-bin.zip
- geotools-2.7-beta1-project.zip
- geotools-2.7-beta1-doc.zip
- geotools-2.7-M5 Releases Notes
- geotools-2.7-beta Releases Notes
Friday, December 17, 2010
GeoTools 2.7-beta Released
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
GeoTools 2.7-M4 released
For more information please visit:
Enjoy, The GeoTools Community
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
GeoSpatial for Java Workbooks available
Justin and Jody were on hand for an intensive hands-on workshop "GeoSpatial for Java". This workshop offered an introduction to GIS concepts for Java developers - which is a really nice introduction since you can try out ideas and see how they work using running code.
The workshop materials have been published here:
These workbooks are detailed step by step instructions written in a "code first" style. This allows you to carefully go through the steps required to produce runnable code. If you have any questions about the concepts or ideas covered you can continue reading for the background information.
Geospatial for Java
This tutorial information has been gathered up in the "sphinx" documentation system; and pulls directly from Java source code examples that are built as part of our GeoTools nightly build.
Thanks to Justin for his help in setting up the sphinx nightly build; and if anyone is good at sphinx "rst2pdf" I would love to get this content out in printable form.
Monday, September 20, 2010
GeoTools Maven Repository Reminder
To make the switch you will need to add the following to your maven pom.xml file:
- http://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools/
OpenGeo has also kindly provided a high performance maven repository for SNAPSHOT releases; so if you are interested in the latest and greatest (populated by a nightly build) you can add the following:
- http://repo.opengeo.org/
We would of course like to thank Refractions, OSGeo and OpenGeo for their community support. Setting up a public maven repository is a large commitment that is often transparent to those making use of the service.
We encourage sponsorship and donations to the OSGeo Foundation, and you are welcome to check out the commercial services offered by Refractions and OpenGeo. Let them know we sent you :-)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
GeoTools 2.7-M3 Released
- geotools-2.7-M3-bin.zip
- geotools-2.7-M3-project.zip
- geotools-2.7-M3-doc.zip
- geotools-2.7-M3-examples.zip
Thursday, August 12, 2010
GeoTools 2.6.5 Released
- Support for "Units of Measure" when drawing allowing symbol size or line width to be supplied with real
world units such as 10km. - DataStore implementations can now allow users a chance to specify their own FeatureID (used to supply your
own primary key value when adding information to a database) - Bridge to JFreeChat allowing JFreeChat to offer simple plotting of Geometry
- Reorganised website documentation with both stable and development javadocs avalable
- Reorganised website documentation with both stable and development sphinx available
- Coordinate Reference System definitions are now provided by EPSG Database 7.5 (when working with epsg-h2 or epsg-hsql)
- Improvements to rendering symbols: correct handling of DPI parameter, fixes when working with SVG symbols,
Monday, August 2, 2010
GeoTools 2.7-M2 Released
- geotools-2.7-M2-bin.zip
- geotools-2.7-M2-project.zip
- geotools-2.7-M2.doc.zip
- geotools-2.7-M2-examples.zip
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
GeoTools 2.7-M1 Released
- geotools-2.7-M1-bin.zip
- geotools-2.7-M1-project.zip
- geotools-2.7-M1-userguide.zip
- geotools-2.7-M1-doc.zip
- MapContext Refactor: simplified map mapping with specific layer classes for each type of content
- Allow inserts to use existing feature ID: allows a feature id to be provided as part of an FeatureStore.addFeatures method call.
- GEOT-3075 Add support for Postgis 1.5 geography columns
- Upgrade EPSG database to version 7.5: The epsgh-hsql and epsg-h2 plugins were updated with the latest EPSG database. The light epsg-wkt content has also been updated to match
- Unit of Measure support for styling; allowing line symbolizer width to be specified in meters (thanks to Jonathan Milton)
- JDBC Virtual Table
Friday, May 28, 2010
GeoTools 2.7-M0 Released
GeoTools 2.7-M0 is now available for download:
- geotools-2.7-M0-bin.zip
- geotools-2.7-M0-project.zip
- geotools-2.7-M0-doc.zip
- geotools-2.7-M0-welcome.zip
- Release Notes
In keeping with the usability and quality theme of the 2.7.x series this release focuses on simplifications to the GeoTools api. While this is the first milestone release made to the public the branch has been ongoing for eight months resulting in an impressive number of resolved issues. As an example 158 issues were closed in the last 30 days.
This is a bug fix release made to solicit feedback from the geotools users list on several recent api changes:
- Clean up Generics from DataStore and Query as Class present two simplifications offering an easier start for those using GeoTools for the first time.
- FeatureStore modifyFeature by Name allows features to be modified using a Name, rathern then requiring users to look up metadata prior to modifying content
The download artefacts include examples for 2.7-M0 showing the use of SimpleFeatureCollection and SimpleFeatureSource.
For more information please review the Release Notes:
For more information on GeoTools and the 2.7 series:
The GeoTools Community
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
GeoTools 2.6.4 Released
The GeoTools 2.6.4 release is now available for download:
- geotools-2.6.4-bin.zip
- geotools-2.6.4-project.zip
- geotools-2.6.4-doc.zip
- geotools-2.6.4-welcome.zip
- geotools-2.6.4-guide.zip
- Release Notes
This is a bug fix release made in conjunction with uDig 1.2-RC3.
This release adds support for Oracle Georaster access as the result of a productive collaboration between Christian and Baskar. It is great to see developers from different organisations combine forces.
There are many small but interesting improvements in the release notes. I am exited by the new interpolate functions which will be very useful when styling maps, generated SLD files no longer write out "default" values which will make for a more readable result.
This release also features more documentation then normal; we have exported out the 2.6.4 documentation from our website and the users guide. It is nice to have archives of this material that match a specific release.
For more information please review the Release Notes:
For more information on GeoTools and the 2.6 series:
- http://geotools.org
- http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/2.6.x
- http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/Upgrade+to+2.6
The GeoTools Community
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Oracle GeoRaster & Custom JDBC Access
Coming with version 2.6.4, the Imagemosiac-jdbc module adds support for storing image/raster data in a customized database layout. This enables integration of an already existing database table structure into geotools.
The standard imagemosiac-jdbc module is based on a predefined table setup and is useful if you start importing your image data in a SQL database. Handling tiles and pyramids is supported.
For special use cases, other database designs may be necessary . The module was redesigned to encapsulate JDBC Access in a single plugin. Developing a customized JDBC Access plugin will create the missing link between the image composing logic and a custom database layout.
Additionally, users having an existing image database could make their data available for developers using the geotools API.
Look at the documentation .
A first implementation of this concept is a plugin for Oracle GeoRaster integrating the Oracle RASTER data type into imagemosaic-jdbc.
Again, look at the documentation .
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Open Trip Planner
Friday, April 30, 2010
A faster, better GeoTools 2.7
File file = JFileDataStoreChooser.showOpenFile("shp", null);
FileDataStore store = FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(file);
FeatureSource featureSource = store.getFeatureSource();
CachingFeatureSource cache = new CachingFeatureSource(featureSource);
MapContext map = new DefaultMapContext();
map.setTitle("Using cached features");
map.addLayer(cache, null);
- For the longest time we have had a Query interface and a DefaultQuery implementation. These have been combined making code examples just that much readable.
- We introduced the use of Generics to support application schema work. While we now have a happy team working on application schema; it did impact readably.
Specifically FeatureCollection < SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature >gets tiring.
Introducing SimpleFeatureCollection to the rescue.
SimpleFeatureSource source = dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName );
Query query = new Query( typeName, filter, attributes );
SimpleFeatureCollection features = source.getFeatures(query);
Friday, March 26, 2010
GeoTools 2.6.3 released
- Improvements to JMapPane thanks to an active user list
- Support for WMS Extent and Dimension information
- Support for the Robinson projection
- Support for Online Test cases using JUnit4
Thursday, March 4, 2010
GeoTools 2.6.2 released
This release is mostly intended to provide a number of important bug-fixes, but there are also some new features and improvements for your programming pleasure including:
- The rendering system now has the ability to draw polygon fills and SVGs as vectors and draw marks with arbitrary sizes.
- GeoTools applications can now use the H2 database with a spatial index provided by Hatbox.
- Support added for polyconic projections.
You can download the complete GeoTools 2.6.2 source distribution from Sourceforge, or click the 'View all files' button on that page for separate downloads for pre-compiled binaries and javadocs. You can also download the source code with your favourite Subversion client from: http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/tags/2.6.2
If you use Maven as your build tool, simply update the version number for GeoTools modules in your pom.xml files to "2.6.2".
Share and enjoy !
The GeoTools Community
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Make your own map-based mashup
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
GeoTools continuous map wrapping
As an example specific use case involved the use of a projection in which the dateline change has been moved away from the usual -180/+180 by using a non standard central meridian
The result, prior to the work described here, does not look so good across the discontinuity, as shown below
The problem was that our renderer was performing point by point reprojections, therefore when a point was crossing the dateline the modular math we used kicked in, transforming +181 -> -179. This meant that the next point, when crossing the dateline, was moved to the other side of the world.
In order to perform proper processing of projection singularities and dateline wrapping on selected projections, in particular, Mercator, Transverse Mercator, and flat geographic, we have had to modify the renderer in its projection handling part. The outcome is that we finally have obtained seamless wrapping maps similar to the Google ones, as shown here:
You can try this work yourself starting from GeoTools 2.5.x and above. On the development versions of the two software the tweak is automatically applied while on the other side for the stable versions you need to specify two JVM options:
A big thanks goes to Andrea Aime who has been hired for the implementation of this feature.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
GeoTools 2.6.1 Released
This release contains a host of improvements and bug fixes. In particular the JMapPane has received a lively round of testing and feedback, MySql is back among the supported data stores in its JDBC-NG implementation along with MS SQL Server and SpatiaLite.
The epsg-hsql module now creates its cached EPSG database much faster and with better concurrency control, and a new projection, the polyconic one, has been added to the referencing subsystem.
Release Notes:
For more information please visit:
Enjoy, The GeoTools Community
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Interestingly there was a lack of adoption of many common open source geospatial tools. Turns out that open source is competing in the market with "free as in beer" products. I imagine that will shape into quite the dust up in the years ahead.
The other surprise for me was that GeoServer could not really be used; turns out that the local coordinate reference system for the Brazilian datasets was in a projection not supported by GeoTools. I managed a little bit of research into the topic; collecting some data samples and so on.
Over the holidays Andrea managed to implement the missing "Polyconic Projection" and it is great to have visual confirmation of the result.

Thanks for this fix Andrea - it really will open up a new market for GeoTools.