

Friday, July 19, 2024

GeoTools 31.3 released


GeoTools 31.3 released

The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of the latest maintenance version of  GeoTools 31.3:

This release is also available from the  OSGeo Maven Repository and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.25.3 

We are grateful to Ian Turton for carrying out the release on behalf of the team.

Summary of changes

See the full release notes from 31.3.

Release notes


GEOT-7127 Error in read empty DBF

GEOT-7589 Fix the JsonArrayDelegation for Postgres to support searching in root level array

GEOT-7590 Patterns containing "&" are broken when using LikeFilter

GEOT-7596 Reduce change of white line artifacts when performing high subsampling on read


GEOT-7599 Update MySQL CI matrix (drop 5.7, add 8.4)

GEOT-7615 Update Jackson 2 libs from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2